Business Representation
What it is about?
Business Commoners offers representation in:
- mediation in the business, including organizing:
- searching for new customers and clients overseas,
- searching for business partners with the right profiles in Poland,
- expanding into new target markets,
- providing multi-lingual translations and copywriting services,
- providing after-sales services, including customer support for the products and services,
- coordinating and representing products and services on Poznań International Fair,
- arrangements business trips to Poznań - presentation of the city upon request,
- supporting foreigners in organizing life and work in Poznań,
Business Representation main focus
Business Commoners obligate to act only in accordance with the client's strategy, corporate culture, and within an accepted management structure. When representing the companies my main focus is related to:
- the competent relationship which creates a partnership,
- effective communication,
- knowing, understanding and work based on client's processes,
- integrity with the client,
Benefits of Business Representation
If you have a lack of time and lack of the right resources, Business Representation may be an option which you are looking for. The main benefits, except the above, are:
- cost efficiency,
- bigger control over product price and image, compared with the option of using a distributor,
- local proximity to the customer (Poland market),
- new sales opportunities,